hg19 / GRCh37
华东 East Chinese: 40.44%
彝族 Southwest Chinese Yi: 17.52%
鄂伦春 North Chinese Oroqen: 13.34%
日本 Japanese: 11.41%
傣族 South Chinese Dai: 9.98%
雅库特 Yakut: 4.99%
美洲 American: 2.13%
非洲 African: 0.19%

汉族 Han: 41.56%
韩国 Korean: 39.34%
藏族 Tibetan: 6.97%
欧洲 European: 5.79%
蒙古·通古斯 Mongolian-Tungusic: 4.69%
雅库特 Yakuts: 1.19%
非洲 African: 0.46%

东亚 East-Asian: 43.93%
华南 South-Chinese: 22.97%
蒙古 Mongolian: 16.28%
阿穆尔-满洲 Amuro-Manchurian: 7.92%
突厥-阿尔泰 Turkic-Altai: 2.92%
藏缅 Tibeto-Burman: 2.78%
西非 West-African: 1.60%
安第斯 Andean: 0.71%
中美印第安 Meso-Amerind: 0.62%
中非 Central-African: 0.23%

东亚 East Asian: 64.20%
东北亚 Northeast Asian: 17.66%
台湾原住民 Taiwanese Aboriginal: 8.76%
阿尔泰 Altaic: 3.13%
北美印第安人 North Amerindian: 2.02%
西伯利亚 Siberian: 1.64%
中非 Central African: 1.05%
西非 West African: 0.95%
乌拉尔 Uralic: 0.42%
柏柏尔人 Berberic: 0.18%

东亚 East Asian: 62.63%
东南亚 Southeast Asian: 24.22%
西伯利亚 Siberian: 7.43%
西南亚 Southwest Asian: 2.64%
撒哈拉以南非洲 Sub Saharan: 1.46%
西北非 Northwest African: 0.93%
北欧 North European: 0.57%
东非 East African: 0.12%

东欧亚 East Eurasian: 83.37%
西伯利亚 Siberian: 11.31%
纳吐夫狩猎采集者 Natufian HG: 2.19%
撒哈拉以南非洲 Sub-Saharan: 1.94%
新石器时代伊朗 Iran Neolithic: 0.88%
美洲印第安人 Amerinidian: 0.31%

东南亚 Southeast Asian: 58.94%
西伯利亚 Siberian: 28.23%
原始印度人 Ancestral-Indian: 6.04%
极地 Polar: 1.87%
撒哈拉以南非洲 Sub-Saharan: 1.65%
纳吐夫 Natufian: 1.10%
巴布亚 Papuan: 0.88%
新石器时代安纳托利亚 Anatolia Neolithic: 0.66%
卡利吉亚纳 Karitiana: 0.65%

东亚古黄河 East Asian / Ancient Yellow River: 52.19%
古代蒙古 Ancient Mongolia: 19.03%
东亚古台湾(汉本) Ancient Taiwan / Hanben: 16.65%
尼泊尔古藏缅 Ancient Nepal: 4.56%
非洲约鲁巴 African / Yoruba: 2.59%
安达曼 Andaman: 2.57%
西欧亚古波斯 West Eurasian / Ancient Persia: 1.37%
绳文 Jomon: 0.70%
南印度伊鲁拉 South India / Irula: 0.34%

古华中(平粮台遗址) Old Central Chinese(Ping Liang Tai): 34.12%
古东北(黑龙江流域) Ancient NE Chinese(Devil's Gate): 20.97%
古东南(汉本遗址) Old SE Chinese(Hanben): 17.72%
古蒙古北部 Old Mongolia North: 13.51%
古高原(尼泊尔) Old Nepal(Samdzong): 9.88%
安达曼 Onge: 1.99%
南印度(伊鲁拉) South India(Irula): 1.01%
非洲 African: 0.79%

覆盖度5.37% 平均深度1


The population history of the northern coastal Chinese is largely unknown due to the lack of ancient human genomes from the Neolithic to historical periods. In this study, we reported 14 newly generated ancient genomes from Linzi, one of China’s densely populated and economically prosperous cities from the Zhou to Han Dynasties. The ancient samples in this study were dated to the Warring States period to the Eastern Han Dynasty (~ 2000 B.P). We found the samples derived all their ancestry from Late Bronze Age to Iron Age Middle Yellow River farmers rather than local Neolithic populations. They were genetically homogeneous with present-day Han Chinese of Shandong, suggesting two thousand years of genetic stability. Our results highlight the role of the eastward migration of Yellow River farmers in the Central Plain to northern coastal China in forming the present-day genetic structure of Han Chinese. 由于缺乏从新石器时代到历史时期的古人类基因组,中国北方沿海地区的人口历史在很大程度上是未知的。在这项研究中,我们报道了 14 个新生成的古代基因组,它们来自临淄,临淄是中国从周朝到汉朝人口稠密、经济繁荣的城市之一。本研究中的古代样本可追溯到战国至东汉时期(约 2000 年前)。我们发现这些样本的祖先都是青铜时代晚期到铁器时代的黄河中游农民,而不是当地的新石器时代人群。他们在基因上与现在山东的汉族人同源,这表明两千年的基因稳定性。我们的研究结果强调了中原黄河农民向中国北方沿海的东迁在形成现在汉族基因结构方面所起的作用。
Population expansion from Central Plain to northern coastal China inferred from ancient human genomes


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